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Here’s how it works…
We Test the Product

After hours of research learning as much as we can about the product, we try and get our hands on it. Literally. Whether we borrow it from a friend, purchase it ourselves, go into the store to test it, or however we can physically get it in our hands. Understanding the product through first hand experience helps us write honest reviews and give real feedback before you make your purchase.
Connect with Community

With so many new releases coming out each year, it isn’t always feasible for us to get our hands on every product. That’s where our community comes in. Our growing network of tech experts, business owners, digital nomads, and remote work professionals help us with genuine assessments of the products they test firsthand when we cannot. Thanks to their help, we can delivery more content to our readers.
Write a Review

After we have spent our time researching, tested the product, and engaged with our community, we are ready to write our review. The reviews consist of all the advantages the product provides as well as what type of computer user or career choice would benefit from using that product. We are careful to give sincere comments on the products we review to help you make the best decision before purchasing.
The Expert Wanderers

“It can be scary to walk away from good pay and job security… really scary. No matter what your career choice is, having the right setup to take the leap and do what you love made all the difference in the world. We started Wandering Office to help people take that leap with some clarity, because it’s so worth it.”
– Jenna, Content Writer & Editor in Chief

“I love what I do, but it’s time to apply it to something that really matters. For so long I was trying to figure it out, seeing what worked and helping sites grow because of that. Now I want to apply that to Wandering Office. Working remotely can be such a freeing feeling and I want others to know how to experience this too.”
– Cody, SEM/SEO Expert

“You have no idea how good it feels to know you can live your life how you want while also working from wherever you are. That’s why I dreamt up Wandering Office, I want to teach other people how they can do this too”
– Ryan, CEO & Tech Expert

“To do what you actually love, create the schedule you want, and live the life you want is completely possible for everyone. That’s why writing for Wandering Office is such a dream come true. “
– Denise, Content Writer
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